Muhammad Ali Kareemi Hafifi
1 min readFeb 4, 2021


Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash

In Malaysia, the Prime Minister has extended a MCO(Movement Control Order). So, I have learn to use Google Meet, Padlet, Tinkercad ,Quizizz and Medium. I use Google meet for Online Learning with friends and Teacher, at every morning from 8 am-11 am. For Padlet, I use to submit my assignment. My assignment is on the subject of History. I need to find out from the internet

Five countries that are, ruled by Kings. I found Five countries. They are, Norway, Andorra, Lesotho, Belgium, and Ethiopia. After I have done my assignment, I submitted my assignment in Padlet.

I also use Tinkercad for my Robotic Class. For Tinkercad, I made a night lamp for my project.

For Quizizz, I use this platform to answer the quiz, set from my teacher. What I get from the Quizizz is learning about iradat from the subject Akidah. It was exciting because I can play with my friends online.

I love Medium most, because i like writing online. I write about myself, my hobby, game, animal, robot , and lot of them. BYE…..



Muhammad Ali Kareemi Hafifi

My name is Muhammad Ali Kareemi Bin Hafifi.I am 10 years old.My hobby is read a comic and sketch.I live in Pahang,Kuantan.